What is Qigong?

Qigong (pronounced chee gong) is made up from two words, Qi meaning energy – specifically internal energy or life force and gong meaning skill or movement. Therefore Qigong is the generation of internal energy through skilled or coordinated movement.

At the core of Chinese Traditional Medicine, is the belief that a balance in one’s life energy or Qi is essential to having a healthy mind, body and spirit. 

Qigong helps achieve this balance by means of a series of slow movements coordinated with the breathing. 


Qigong requires no special equipment or clothing, loose fitting clothes and flat soled shoes (even bare feet) are all that is required. 

If you have enough space to stretch your hands out to either side and front and back, the you have enough space to perform Qigong. This makes it particularly suitable for the work place or in the house. 

People of all ages and levels of physical fitness can benefit from the Qigong moves. This includes wheelchair users and people with perambulatory problems.